Comprehensive Guide to Wall Safes: Selection, Installation, and Advanced Security Technologies

A wall safe is a secure storage solution designed to be installed within the walls of a home or office, offering a discreet way to safeguard valuables, documents, and other important items. These safes are typically mounted between wall studs, allowing them to be easily concealed behind paintings, mirrors, or inside closets, thus blending seamlessly with the room's decor while providing protection against theft, and in some cases, fire or water damage.

Wall safes vary in design, featuring different lock types including traditional key locks, combination dials, electronic keypads, and biometric systems that use fingerprints for access. They are constructed from durable materials such as steel, with some models boasting advanced security features like pry-resistant doors, interior LED lighting, and adjustable shelving to organize contents effectively.

Importance of Wall Safes in Security

Wall safes play a vital role in home and office security by offering a secure and accessible place to store valuables and sensitive information away from potential burglars. Their built-in nature makes them less conspicuous than freestanding safes, providing an added layer of security through concealment. Furthermore, the option for advanced locking mechanisms, including biometric access, allows for quick yet secure entry by authorized users.

When selecting a wall safe, it's essential to consider factors such as the safe's locking mechanism, material durability, size, and any special features like fire or water resistance that align with your specific security needs. Installation typically requires mounting the safe between wall studs, and for optimal security, it may be advisable to consult with or hire a professional to ensure it's properly installed.

Wall safes not only deter theft but also contribute to a well-rounded security strategy by protecting valuables from various threats. Whether it's safeguarding jewelry, important documents, or firearms, a well-chosen wall safe can provide peace of mind knowing that your valuables are secure and accessible only to those with authorized access.

Types of Wall Safes

Standard Wall Safes

Standard wall safes are designed for everyday use, providing secure storage for valuables, documents, and small items within a residential or commercial setting. They are typically made of durable steel and can be installed between wall studs. Standard safes often come with a variety of lock types, including key, combination, electronic keypad, or biometric systems. Their design allows them to be easily concealed behind furniture or wall hangings, making them a practical choice for most security needs​​​​.

Fireproof Wall Safes

Fireproof wall safes offer enhanced protection against heat and fire, safeguarding contents for a specified period at certain temperatures. These safes are constructed with fire-resistant materials that help to insulate the interior, keeping documents and valuables safe from fire damage. The fire rating of a safe, typically measured in hours, indicates the duration it can withstand high temperatures while maintaining an internal temperature safe for stored items. Fireproof wall safes are ideal for storing important documents, digital media, and other items that could be destroyed by fire​​​​.

Waterproof Wall Safes

Waterproof wall safes provide protection against water damage, including floods or spills. These safes are designed with waterproof seals that prevent water from entering the safe, ensuring the safety of its contents during water exposure. Waterproof safes are particularly valuable in areas prone to flooding or for storing items that are sensitive to moisture, such as paper documents, photographs, and certain types of electronic media. It's important to note that while some safes are both fireproof and waterproof, others may offer only one type of protection​​​​.

Hidden Wall Safes

Hidden wall safes are designed to offer an additional layer of security through concealment. These safes can be installed in various hidden areas of a home or office, such as behind wall-mounted paintings, mirrors, or inside fake electrical outlets. The primary advantage of hidden wall safes is their ability to remain undetected by burglars, making them less likely to be targeted. Some models are specifically designed for easy concealment, with features such as flush-mounted doors that allow them to blend seamlessly with the surrounding wall surface​​​​.

Each type of wall safe serves a specific purpose and offers different levels of protection. When choosing a wall safe, it's essential to consider the primary threats to your valuables (theft, fire, water) and select a model that offers the appropriate level of security. Additionally, considering the installation location and how well the safe can be concealed or integrated into your space will help ensure the best possible protection for your valuables.

Selection Criteria for Wall Safes

Size and Capacity

The size and capacity of a wall safe are crucial factors to consider based on the items you intend to store. Wall safes come in various dimensions to fit between standard wall studs, typically with a depth that corresponds to the wall's thickness. Capacity is measured in cubic feet or inches, and choosing the right size depends on your space availability and storage needs. For minimal storage requirements, a compact safe might suffice, but for larger items or extensive collections, look for a safe that offers more internal space without compromising on security​​​​.

Lock Mechanisms

  • Key Locks are the simplest form, but they require managing physical keys which can be lost or copied.
  • Combination Dials provide a traditional, battery-free option that's reliable over long periods.
  • Digital Keypads offer convenience and the ability to easily change codes, but they require batteries to operate.
  • Biometric Locks use unique physical characteristics, such as fingerprints, offering quick access and high security. The choice among these options depends on your preference for convenience versus traditional security measures. Consider how often you'll access the safe and who else might need to use it​​​​.

Fire and Water Resistance Levels

Fireproof and waterproof ratings are significant if you're storing documents or valuables susceptible to fire or water damage. Fire resistance is measured by the amount of time a safe can withstand extreme temperatures, typically ranging from 30 minutes to over 2 hours. Water resistance varies by design, with some safes offering protection against flood conditions. Review the safe's specifications for UL (Underwriters Laboratories) ratings or other certifications that indicate the level of protection provided​​​​.

Construction and Security Features

The construction of a wall safe determines its resistance to physical attacks. Look for safes made with heavy-gauge steel and features like pry-resistant doors, concealed hinges, and reinforcement in key areas. Additional security features might include alarm integration, which alerts you to unauthorized access attempts, or tamper indicators. The quality of construction and added security features directly impact the safe's ability to protect its contents​​​​.

Price and Brands

Wall safe prices vary widely based on size, security features, and the brand's reputation. While budget is an important consideration, investing in a higher-priced safe often means benefiting from better construction materials, advanced security features, and more reliable lock mechanisms. Popular and trusted brands in the wall safe market include SentrySafe, Barska, and Viking Security Safe, among others. These brands are known for their quality, reliability, and customer service. When selecting a wall safe, consider it an investment in the protection of your valuables and choose a brand with a solid reputation for quality and security​​​​.

Selecting the right wall safe involves balancing your security needs with the features offered by various models and brands. Consideration of the above criteria will help ensure that you choose a safe that provides the protection and accessibility you need for your valuable possessions.

Planning and Preparation for Wall Safe Installation

IMPORTANT! Installing a wall safe involves a comprehensive process that includes understanding wall structures, ensuring the safe is properly anchored, and integrating it with home security systems, thus it is highly recommended that such installations be carried out by professionals to ensure security and functionality.

When considering the installation of a wall safe, careful planning and preparation are essential to ensure the safe is both secure and meets your needs effectively.

Assessing Your Needs

Understanding what you intend to store in your wall safe is the first step. This will help determine the size and type of safe you need. Consider whether you'll be storing documents, jewelry, firearms, or digital media, as this will influence not only the size but also the features you might need, such as fire or water resistance.

Choosing the Right Location

The location of your wall safe is crucial for both security and convenience. It should be easily accessible to you but not obvious to potential intruders. Common locations include behind doors, inside closets, or behind wall hangings and paintings. The goal is to integrate the safe into your home in a way that it remains concealed from a casual observer. Also, ensure the chosen location is free from electrical wiring and plumbing that could complicate the installation​​​​.

Tools and Materials Needed for Installation

The basic tools and materials required for installing a wall safe include:

  • Tape measure: To ensure accurate measurements between wall studs and for the safe dimensions.
  • Hammer and nails or a stud sensor: To locate the studs in the wall where the safe will be mounted.
  • Level: To ensure the safe is installed straight and level for proper operation.
  • Drywall saw: For cutting out the section of the wall where the safe will be inserted.
  • Drill/driver: For securing the safe to the wall studs with screws.
  • Shims or strips of plywood (optional): Used to adjust the depth of the wall studs if necessary to ensure a snug fit for the safe.

Proper planning includes checking for any obstructions in the wall where you plan to install the safe, such as electrical wiring or plumbing. The wall's structure should be able to support the weight of the safe and its contents without compromising the integrity of the wall or the safe's security.

By carefully assessing your needs, choosing the right location, and gathering the necessary tools and materials, you can ensure a smooth and secure installation of your wall safe, providing peace of mind and enhanced security for your valuable items.

Installation Guide for Wall Safes

IMPORTANT! Installing a wall safe involves a comprehensive process that includes understanding wall structures, ensuring the safe is properly anchored, and integrating it with home security systems, thus it is highly recommended that such installations be carried out by professionals to ensure security and functionality.

Step-by-Step Installation Process

  • Locate the Wall Studs: Use a stud finder or tap the wall lightly with a hammer to find the studs. Wall safes are typically installed between these studs.
  • Mark the Safe Outline: Once you've found the studs, hold the safe against the wall and trace its outline. Ensure it's level by using a spirit level.
  • Cut the Drywall: Using a drywall saw, carefully cut along the traced outline. Be cautious of any electrical wiring or plumbing behind the drywall.
  • Prepare the Space: If the studs do not align perfectly with the safe's mounting holes, you may need to add wooden shims or adjust the opening slightly.
  • Insert the Safe: Place the safe into the wall opening. It should fit snugly between the studs.
  • Secure the Safe: Use a drill to screw the safe into the studs. Most safes come with mounting hardware and pre-drilled holes for this purpose.
  • Test the Lock: Before placing valuables inside, test the locking mechanism to ensure it's working correctly.

For a detailed guide, including how to handle specific safe models, refer to the installation instructions that come with your wall safe or consult online resources like "This Old House" for general guidance​​.

Professional Installation vs. DIY

  • DIY Installation: Ideal for those who are handy and have experience with basic home improvement tools. DIY installation can save money and is feasible for most standard wall safes. However, it requires careful attention to detail to ensure the safe is installed securely and without damage to your home's structure.
  • Professional Installation: Recommended if you're not comfortable with the installation process or if the safe requires complex installation (e.g., electrical wiring for digital locks or reinforcement for heavier safes). Professionals can ensure the safe is installed correctly and securely, potentially saving you from costly mistakes. Professional installation might also be necessary to maintain the warranty on some high-end safes​​.

Common Installation Challenges and Solutions

  • Finding Studs in Plaster Walls: Older homes with plaster walls might make it difficult to locate studs. Use an electronic stud finder that's calibrated for deeper scans or consult a professional to avoid damaging the walls.
  • Dealing with Electrical Wiring or Plumbing: If you encounter wiring or plumbing during installation, it's safest to choose a new location for the safe. Rerouting electrical or plumbing should be done by a professional to avoid potential hazards.
  • Securing Heavy Safes: For heavier safes, it's crucial to ensure the wall structure can support the weight. Reinforcing the wall or choosing a floor safe might be a better option for extremely heavy models.
  • Adjusting for a Tight Fit: If the safe doesn't fit snugly between the studs, use wooden shims to fill any gaps and ensure the safe is secure. Ensure the safe is level before finalizing the installation.

By understanding the steps involved, the potential need for professional help, and how to address common challenges, you can ensure a smooth installation process for your wall safe. Always refer to the manufacturer's instructions and consider consulting with a professional if you encounter any issues beyond your expertise.

Using Your Wall Safe

Operating Lock Mechanisms

Operating the lock mechanism of your wall safe efficiently is crucial for maintaining the security of your valuables. The type of lock your wall safe features—be it key, combination, digital keypad, or biometric—dictates how you interact with it:

  • Key Locks: Keep the key in a secure location separate from the safe. Avoid obvious hiding places.
  • Combination Locks: Memorize the combination and do not write it down or share it with others unnecessarily. If you must write it down, store it in a separate, secure location.
  • Digital Keypads: Change the digital code periodically for added security. Ensure the keypad is free from fingerprints that could give away your code. In case of battery failure, know how to access the backup key.
  • Biometric Systems: Regularly update the registered fingerprints, especially if the safe is used by multiple people. Ensure the scanner is clean for accurate reading.

Regular testing and maintenance of the lock mechanism are important to ensure it operates smoothly and securely.

Organizing Your Valerables

Efficient organization within your wall safe maximizes space and ensures quick access to items when needed:

  • Use the safe's shelves, if available, to segregate items by type or value.
  • Consider using small, labeled boxes or pouches to organize jewelry, documents, and other small items. This prevents scratching and makes it easier to find what you need without rummaging.
  • Place items used less frequently at the back or bottom of the safe and those accessed more often at the front or top for convenience.

Maintenance and Care

Regular maintenance ensures the longevity and reliability of your wall safe:

  • Dust and Clean: Periodically dust the exterior and interior of the safe. Use a soft, dry cloth to clean the keypad or fingerprint scanner to keep the sensors clear.
  • Check the Batteries: For electronic locks, regularly check and replace the batteries to avoid being locked out due to power failure.
  • Inspect the Lock and Bolts: Ensure the locking mechanism and bolts operate smoothly. Apply lubricant if the manufacturer recommends it.
  • Secure the Installation: Periodically check that the safe remains securely fastened within the wall, with no signs of tampering or loosening.
  • Professional Inspection: Consider having the safe inspected by a professional every few years, especially if it has complex locking mechanisms or electronic components.

Proper use, organization, and maintenance of your wall safe not only extend its lifespan but also ensure it provides reliable security for your valuables. Always refer to the manufacturer's instructions for specific care and maintenance guidelines tailored to your safe's model and type.

Advanced Features and Technologies in Wall Safes

Modern wall safes incorporate several advanced features and technologies designed to enhance security and provide more convenience to users. These features include biometric access, alarm integration, and smart safe technologies, among others.

Biometric Access

Biometric access is one of the most secure and user-friendly methods of securing a wall safe. It utilizes unique biological data, such as fingerprints, to allow access. This technology offers quick accessibility and eliminates the need for remembering combinations or keys. For example, the Viking Security Safe VS-52BLX utilizes a biometric locking system with a high-resolution optical sensor capable of storing multiple fingerprints, ensuring that only authorized users can access the safe's contents​​.

Alarm Integration

Alarm integration in wall safes adds an extra layer of security by connecting the safe to a home or business alarm system. This feature triggers an alarm when unauthorized access attempts are detected, alerting the property owner and potentially scaring off intruders. While specific details on alarm integration were not directly found in the sources, it's a commonly mentioned feature in modern security systems and smart safes available in the market.

Smart Safe Technologies

Smart safes incorporate digital interfaces and connectivity features, allowing users to manage and monitor their safes through mobile apps or home automation systems. These safes can include features like remote locking and unlocking, access logs, and notifications for access attempts or other security events. The integration of smart technologies into wall safes enhances convenience and control for the user, providing peace of mind through real-time monitoring and management capabilities.

The advancement in safe technology, particularly in wall safes, has significantly improved the security and functionality of these devices. Whether through biometric access that offers a personalized security experience, alarm integration that enhances protection, or smart technologies that bring safes into the connected home ecosystem, users have more options than ever to ensure their valuables are securely stored yet easily accessible when needed.

Safety and Legal Considerations

When considering the safety and legal considerations for wall safes, there are several important factors to keep in mind, including legal compliance with specific regulations, safety measures, and precautions to ensure the well-being of individuals and property.

Legal Compliance and Restrictions

Legal compliance varies significantly by location, with specific standards and certifications required for certain types of safes, especially those intended for storing firearms. For example, in California, safes intended for storing firearms must meet specific Department of Justice (DOJ) regulatory standards. These standards are not related to burglary or fire ratings but are instead focused on construction standards. Safes must either have a CDOJ certification, a label on the container indicating compliance, or a UL Residential Security Container (RSC) Listing. These regulations ensure that the safe can securely store firearms, has a robust locking system, and is constructed from durable materials​​.

Safety Measures and Precautions

When installing and using wall safes, it's critical to follow safety measures and precautions to prevent injuries and ensure the safe storage of valuables. This includes proper installation to prevent the safe from becoming a hazard itself. Retailers and manufacturers often provide guidelines and features designed to enhance safety, including fireproof and impact-resistant models, electronic and biometric lock types, and models that come with backup keys and bolting hardware for secure installation​​.

Moreover, when dealing with older buildings, particularly those constructed before 1978, it's essential to consider the risks associated with lead-based paint. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandates that contractors who renovate or partially demolish such buildings must be lead-safe certified and follow lead-safe practices. These practices are designed to minimize exposure to lead dust, which can be harmful if inhaled or ingested, emphasizing the importance of containing dust, using dust-minimizing methods, and conducting careful cleanups​​.

Troubleshooting and Maintenance of Wall Safes

Maintaining a wall safe is crucial for ensuring its longevity and reliability. Regular maintenance can prevent many common issues, but sometimes problems may still arise. Here's a guide on troubleshooting, when to seek professional help, and routine maintenance tips for wall safes.

Common Problems and Solutions

  • Lock Mechanism Failure: If the electronic lock on your safe isn't working, it could be due to dead batteries, which are easily replaceable. For mechanical locks, ensure they aren't jammed by dust or debris.
  • Difficulty in Opening: If you're having trouble opening the safe, check for alignment issues or obstructions. Sometimes, the door might become misaligned due to improper installation or wear and tear.
  • Humidity Inside the Safe: Use silica gel packs or a dehumidifier to absorb excess moisture. This is especially important for safes that are not waterproof and can help protect valuables from moisture damage.
  • Electronic Keypad Issues: Keypad malfunctions often result from battery problems. Replacing the batteries may resolve the issue. If the keypad remains unresponsive, check the manufacturer's manual for a reset procedure.

When to Seek Professional Help

  • Lockout Situations: If you're locked out of your safe due to a malfunctioning lock or forgotten combination, it's best to call a professional. Attempting to force the safe open can cause damage.
  • Mechanical Failures: For issues with the locking mechanism that cannot be resolved through simple troubleshooting, professional service is recommended to avoid compromising the safe's security.
  • Installation Problems: If the safe is not securely mounted or you're unsure about the installation process, hiring a professional can ensure it's correctly and safely installed.

Routine Maintenance Tips

  • Regular Inspections: Check your safe periodically for signs of wear and tear, especially the lock mechanism and door hinges. Look out for rust or corrosion and address any issues promptly.
  • Clean Regularly: Use a soft cloth to dust the exterior and interior of the safe. Avoid harsh chemicals that could damage the safe's surface or interior lining.
  • Lubricate Mechanical Parts: Apply a silicon-based lubricant to the lock mechanism and hinges annually to ensure smooth operation. Avoid using oil-based products as they can attract dust.
  • Check the Batteries: For electronic safes, change the batteries at least once a year to prevent lockouts due to power loss.
  • Moisture Control: Use moisture absorbers to keep the interior dry, especially in humid climates. Regularly check and replace these absorbers to prevent moisture buildup.

Maintaining your wall safe through regular inspections and addressing issues promptly can help avoid the need for extensive repairs. When in doubt, consulting with a professional can ensure your safe continues to function properly and securely.

Insurance and Wall Safes

When considering the relationship between wall safes and insurance, it's essential to understand insurance requirements, how to document contents for insurance purposes, and the impact of wall safes on insurance rates.

Understanding Insurance Requirements

Insurance companies often consider the presence of a safe when determining home insurance premiums. The type of safe, its security features, and installation quality can all influence insurance coverage and rates. Safes with higher security ratings, like those approved by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or those with specific cash and valuables ratings, might qualify for better insurance terms. Insurance ratings for safes indicate the level of security they provide and are determined by factors such as resistance to being moved, thickness and strength of the walls and door, the security and complexity of the lock, and overall build quality​​.

Documenting Contents for Insurance Purposes

For insurance purposes, it's crucial to document the contents of your wall safe. This documentation should include photographs, descriptions, and, if possible, receipts or appraisals of valuable items. Such records can be vital in the event of a claim, providing clear evidence of the items' existence and condition prior to any loss or damage. Items commonly stored in safes, including jewelry, watches, family heirlooms, and important documents like birth certificates, wills, and insurance policies, should all be documented​​.

How Wall Safes Affect Insurance Rates

The presence of a wall safe can impact home insurance premiums positively, as it demonstrates a commitment to securing valuable items and documents against theft and damage. High-quality safes that provide fire, theft, and possibly water protection might lead to reduced insurance premiums. However, the extent of the impact can vary based on the insurance company's policies and the safe's specific features and ratings. It's always advisable to consult with your insurance provider to understand how a wall safe might affect your rates and to ensure that your safe's specifications align with their requirements for any potential discounts or improved terms​​​​.

Future Trends in Wall Safes

Innovations on the Horizon

The future of wall safes is closely tied to advancements in technology and evolving consumer needs for security and convenience. Innovations on the horizon include:

  • Enhanced Biometric Security: The use of biometric data for unlocking safes, such as fingerprints, facial recognition, and even retinal scans, is expected to become more common. These methods offer a higher level of security, as biometric data is difficult to replicate or steal compared to traditional keys or combinations.
  • Smart Connectivity: Integration with home automation systems is a growing trend. Future wall safes will likely feature connectivity options that allow them to be controlled and monitored via smartphones, tablets, or computers. This could include remote locking/unlocking, status alerts, and access logs.
  • Improved Environmental Protection: Advances in materials and construction methods will enhance the fireproof and waterproof capabilities of wall safes, offering better protection for valuables against environmental threats.
  • Customization and Modularity: As homes and needs change, the demand for customizable and modular safe designs will increase. Consumers will look for safes that can be easily modified in terms of size, interior layout, and security features to accommodate different items or fit into various spaces within a home.

The Impact of Smart Home Technology

Smart home technology is set to revolutionize the way wall safes are integrated into our daily lives. The impact includes:

  • Seamless Integration: Wall safes will become part of the broader smart home ecosystem, working in tandem with other devices for enhanced security. For example, a smart safe could automatically lock when the home's security system is armed or send alerts to homeowners if tampering is detected.
  • User-Friendly Access Control: Smart home technology will make it easier to manage who has access to a safe and when. Temporary access can be granted remotely, and usage can be tracked, adding a layer of convenience and security.
  • Predictive Maintenance: With smart connectivity, wall safes can monitor their health and status, predicting maintenance needs before a critical failure occurs. This could include battery level monitoring for electronic locks or humidity levels inside the safe, ensuring valuables are stored under optimal conditions.
  • Enhanced Security Features: Integration with smart home security systems could allow for real-time alerts and actions in response to security breaches. For example, if an attempt to open the safe is detected, the home's security system could automatically alert authorities or initiate lockdown procedures.

As technology continues to evolve, the future of wall safes looks promising, with innovations aimed at enhancing security, convenience, and integration with smart home systems. These advancements will offer users more sophisticated ways to protect their valuables while seamlessly blending into the digital fabric of their homes.

Discovering the Best Fit: Exploring the Different Types of Safes


Safes have been an integral part of security for individuals and businesses for centuries. They serve a crucial role in protecting valuables from theft, damage, and other risks. This introduction delves into the purpose of safes and their historical evolution, providing a foundation for understanding their significance and development over time.

Purpose of Safes

The primary purpose of safes is to offer security and protection for valuable items. This includes not only monetary assets like cash and jewelry but also important documents, family heirlooms, and sensitive information. Safes are designed to guard against various threats such as burglary, fire, water damage, and sometimes even chemical or biological hazards.

In a broader sense, safes also serve as a deterrent to potential thieves. The presence of a safe can significantly reduce the likelihood of theft simply by virtue of its robust and resilient construction. Moreover, safes provide peace of mind to their owners, knowing that their valuables are secured against unforeseen incidents.

The importance of safes extends beyond individual use. In the realm of business and finance, safes are crucial for safeguarding cash, documents, and sensitive data. They are fundamental components in maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of business operations.

Historical Evolution of Safes

The history of safes dates back to ancient times when people first felt the need to protect their belongings. The earliest forms of safes were simple lockable boxes or chests, often made of wood and iron. These were gradually replaced by more sophisticated designs as the understanding of security and lock mechanisms evolved.

During the Industrial Revolution, the development of safes took a significant leap forward. The introduction of stronger materials like steel, and advancements in lock technology, led to the creation of much more secure and complex safes. This period also saw the invention of fireproof safes, providing protection against fire hazards, a growing concern of the time.

The 20th century brought electronic technology into the mix, revolutionizing safe design once again. Electronic locks, biometric scanners, and sophisticated alarm systems have added layers of security that were unimaginable in the past. Today's safes are not only more secure but also more user-friendly and accessible, reflecting the technological advancements of our times.

In summary, the evolution of safes mirrors the advancement of human civilization and technology. From rudimentary lockable chests to modern, high-tech security safes, their development is a testament to the enduring human desire to protect what is valuable.

Basic Safe Classifications

Safes can be categorized based on various criteria depending on their intended use, level of security, and resistance to different types of threats. Understanding these classifications is crucial for selecting the right safe for your needs. This section explores two primary classifications: Residential vs. Commercial Safes, and Fireproof vs. Burglary-Resistant Safes.

Residential vs. Commercial Safes

The distinction between residential and commercial safes is primarily based on their intended use and the type of security they offer.

Residential Safes:

  • Purpose: Designed for personal use in homes.
  • Size: Generally smaller, suitable for documents, jewelry, and small amounts of cash.
  • Security Level: Moderate security features sufficient for typical home use.
  • Lock Types: Often equipped with key locks, combination locks, or basic electronic locks.
  • Examples: Personal document safes, small gun safes, jewelry safes.

Commercial Safes:

  • Purpose: Built for businesses, offices, and professional settings.
  • Size: Larger, designed to accommodate higher volumes of cash, documents, and valuables.
  • Security Level: Higher security features to meet commercial standards, often rated for burglary resistance.
  • Lock Types: Advanced electronic locks, time locks, and combination locks with anti-tamper features.
  • Examples: Bank vaults, deposit safes, data and media safes, high-security business safes.

Fireproof vs. Burglary-Resistant Safes

This classification focuses on the primary protective function of the safe: safeguarding against fire or burglary.

Fireproof Safes:

  • Purpose: To protect contents from fire damage.
  • Fire Resistance: Rated by how long they can withstand extreme temperatures (e.g., 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours).
  • Construction: Insulated walls to maintain a low internal temperature.
  • Ideal For: Documents, electronic media, photographs.
  • Limitations: Not necessarily designed for high burglary resistance.

Burglary-Resistant Safes:

  • Purpose: To prevent unauthorized access and theft.
  • Security Features: Thick steel walls, complex lock mechanisms, re-lockers, and anti-drill plates.
  • Burglary Rating: Rated based on resistance to forced entry (e.g., TL-15, TL-30).
  • Ideal For: Cash, jewelry, high-value items.
  • Limitations: Not all are fireproof, check for dual-rated safes for both fire and burglary protection.

Understanding these basic classifications and their respective features is key to choosing a safe that best suits your individual or business needs. Whether it's for personal valuables at home or sensitive documents in a commercial setting, the right safe can provide the necessary protection and peace of mind.

Specific Types of Safes

Different types of safes cater to specific needs and offer unique features. This section explores six specific types of safes, each designed for particular purposes and environments.

Wall Safes

  • Design: Built to be installed within a wall, often hidden behind paintings or other fixtures.
  • Space Utilization: Maximizes space efficiency by utilizing wall cavities.
  • Security Level: Moderate; more focused on concealment than heavy-duty security.
  • Common Uses: Storing small valuables, documents, and cash in homes or offices.
  • Installation: Requires professional installation to ensure stability and security.

Floor Safes

  • Design: Installed flush with the floor, often concealed under carpets or furniture.
  • Security Advantage: Extremely difficult to remove due to integration with the building structure.
  • Protection: Offers good burglary protection; some models are also fireproof.
  • Best For: Valuables, important documents, and cash requiring a higher level of security.
  • Considerations: Installation can be complex and may require structural modifications.

Gun Safes

  • Purpose: Specifically designed for storing firearms securely.
  • Features: Often equipped with racks or compartments for organizing weapons.
  • Security Elements: Robust locking mechanisms, tamper alerts, and sometimes biometric systems.
  • Regulations: Complies with local laws and regulations regarding firearm storage.
  • Benefits: Prevents unauthorized access, protects firearms from damage, and reduces accident risks.

Data and Media Safes

  • Specialization: Protecting electronic data storage devices from fire, water, and magnetic interference.
  • Construction: Fire-resistant materials with special insulation to maintain a stable internal environment.
  • Ideal for: Hard drives, USBs, CDs, DVDs, and other sensitive electronic media.
  • Use Cases: Crucial for businesses and individuals with important digital data.
  • Note: Not typically designed for high-level burglary resistance.

Deposit or Drop Safes

  • Functionality: Allows deposits without opening the main safe compartment.
  • Common in: Retail settings, restaurants, and anywhere cash is handled frequently.
  • Security Feature: Anti-fishing designs to prevent retrieval of contents once deposited.
  • Variants: Under-counter models, rotary hopper designs, and through-the-wall options.
  • Advantages: Enhances cash-handling security and reduces internal theft.

Hotel Safes

  • Purpose: Provide guests with a secure place for valuables.
  • Size: Compact, typically designed to hold laptops, cameras, passports, and small personal items.
  • Lock System: Electronic locks with user-settable combinations are common.
  • Accessibility: Often equipped with master override systems for management access.
  • Placement: Installed in guest rooms, often in closets or desks for easy access.

Each type of safe is designed with specific uses and security features in mind. From concealed wall and floor safes to specialized gun and data safes, the variety ensures that there is a safe suitable for every need, whether in residential, commercial, or specialized settings.

Locking Mechanisms

The security of a safe is largely determined by its locking mechanism. Different types of locks offer varying levels of security and convenience. This section outlines four common types of locking mechanisms used in safes: Key Lock Safes, Combination Lock Safes, Electronic Lock Safes, and Biometric Safes.

Key Lock Safes

  • Mechanism: Operates with a traditional key.
  • Pros: Simple to use; no need to remember combinations or codes.
  • Cons: Risk of key loss or duplication; lower security compared to more advanced locks.
  • Common Use: Often found in lower-security safes or as a secondary lock in combination with other mechanisms.

Combination Lock Safes

  • Mechanism: Requires a set sequence of numbers to open, typically rotated on a dial.
  • Pros: No key to lose; offers a higher level of security than basic key locks.
  • Cons: Combination must be memorized or securely recorded; slower to open.
  • Variants: May come in single or multiple dial designs.
  • Popular in: Commercial environments and in safes requiring a higher level of security.

Electronic Lock Safes

  • Mechanism: Utilizes a keypad where a numeric code is entered.
  • Pros: Quick access; customizable codes; multiple user capability.
  • Cons: Dependent on battery power; potential vulnerability to electronic tampering.
  • Features: Often includes lockout penalties after multiple incorrect attempts.
  • Usage: Widely used in both residential and commercial safes for their convenience and security level.

Biometric Safes

  • Mechanism: Uses unique biological traits for access, commonly fingerprints.
  • Pros: High level of security; quick and personalized access; difficult to replicate.
  • Cons: More expensive; dependent on power; sensor quality varies across models.
  • User Management: Can store multiple fingerprints for different authorized users.
  • Ideal For: Situations where fast access is crucial, such as gun safes, or for added security in personal safes.

Each locking mechanism offers a different balance of security, convenience, and reliability. Key lock safes are traditional and straightforward but can be less secure due to the risk of lost or duplicated keys. Combination lock safes provide a higher security level without the need for a physical key but require the user to remember the combination. Electronic lock safes offer a modern, user-friendly option with customizable codes and quick access, though they rely on battery power. Biometric safes offer the highest security level with personalized access, ideal for situations where quick and secure access is paramount. The choice of locking mechanism depends on the user's specific needs, preferences, and the level of security required.

Specialized Safes

Specialized safes are designed with specific features to cater to particular needs. This section covers three types of specialized safes: Jewelry Safes, High-Security Safes, and Portable Safes, each offering unique features and protections.

Jewelry Safes

  • Purpose: Designed specifically for storing jewelry and valuable accessories.
  • Features:

    • Interior Design: Velvet-lined drawers, compartments, and organizers to protect and organize jewelry pieces.
    • Security: Often equipped with high-security lock mechanisms, such as electronic or biometric locks.
    • Protection: Some models offer fire and water resistance to safeguard against environmental hazards.

  • Use: Ideal for both commercial jewelers and individuals with valuable jewelry collections.
  • Aesthetics: Often elegantly designed to match interior decor.

High-Security Safes

  • Design: Engineered to provide the highest level of security against forced entry, drilling, and cutting.
  • Features:

    • Material: Constructed with reinforced steel and other resilient materials.
    • Locking Mechanisms: Equipped with sophisticated locks, including combination, electronic, and biometric systems.
    • Ratings: Often bear certifications or ratings from security testing organizations (e.g., UL ratings).
    • Additional Security: May include features like glass re-lockers, seismic detectors, and tamper alarms.

  • Applications: Used by businesses, financial institutions, and individuals requiring maximum security for valuables or sensitive documents.
  • Consideration: Generally heavier and more expensive due to advanced security features.

Portable Safes

  • Purpose: Designed for mobility while providing security for small valuables.
  • Characteristics:

    • Size: Compact and lightweight, making them easy to carry or transport.
    • Lock Types: Varying from key locks, combination locks to electronic locks.
    • Construction: Typically made of sturdy but lightweight materials.

  • Use Cases: Ideal for travelers, students, or anyone needing to secure items like passports, cash, or small electronics on the go.
  • Versatility: Some models are designed to be anchored temporarily to a fixed object for added security.

Specialized safes like Jewelry Safes, High-Security Safes, and Portable Safes offer tailored solutions for specific security needs. Whether it's for safeguarding precious jewelry, providing top-tier security for valuable assets, or securing items while traveling, these specialized safes are designed to meet distinct requirements and preferences.

Safe Selection Guide

Choosing the right safe involves considering various factors to ensure that it meets your specific needs. This guide will help you navigate through the key considerations and understand the importance of safe ratings and certifications.

Factors to Consider

When selecting a safe, it's crucial to evaluate several aspects to make an informed decision:

  1. Purpose of the Safe:

    • Determine what you will be storing in the safe (e.g., documents, cash, jewelry, firearms).
    • Consider the level of security needed based on the value and nature of the contents.

  2. Size and Capacity:

    • Assess the amount of space needed for your items, both currently and in the future.
    • Consider both the internal capacity and the external dimensions of the safe, especially if space is limited.

  3. Type of Lock:

    • Choose between key locks, combination locks, electronic locks, or biometric locks based on your preference for security and convenience.

  4. Fire and Water Protection:

    • If protecting against environmental hazards is important, look for safes with fire and water-resistant ratings.

  5. Security Rating:

    • Check for any burglary-resistance ratings or certifications, which indicate the safe's ability to withstand break-in attempts.

  6. Installation and Portability:

    • Decide if you need a portable safe or a permanently installed one.
    • For installed safes, consider the location and any installation requirements.

  7. Brand and Warranty:

    • Research the reputation of the safe manufacturer.
    • Check the warranty and after-sales service options.

  8. Budget:

    • Balance the cost with the features and level of security required.
    • Remember that higher security often comes at a higher price.

Safe Ratings and Certifications

Understanding safe ratings and certifications is essential for assessing the level of protection they offer:

  1. Burglary Ratings:

    • Ratings like TL-15, TL-30 (Underwriters Laboratories) indicate the safe's resistance to forced entry for a specific time.
    • The higher the rating, the more resistant the safe is to break-ins.

  2. Fire Ratings:

    • Fire ratings (e.g., 1-hour, 2-hour) show how long a safe can withstand high temperatures while keeping the interior below a set temperature.
    • Crucial for protecting documents and electronic media from fire damage.

  3. Water Resistance:

    • Some safes are certified to be water-resistant, an important feature in areas prone to flooding or for storing electronic devices.

  4. Impact Ratings:

    • Indicates the safe's ability to withstand falls or impacts, which is important in scenarios like fires where the safe might fall through floors.

  5. Insurance Approval:

    • Certain safes are approved by insurance companies, which can be beneficial for insurance purposes and might reduce premiums.

When selecting a safe, consider these factors and ratings to find a safe that offers the appropriate level of security and protection for your specific needs. It's a balance between the value of what you're protecting, the risks you're guarding against, and the investment you're willing to make for peace of mind.

Maintenance and Upkeep

Proper maintenance and upkeep are essential for ensuring the longevity and reliability of your safe. Regular attention can prevent common issues and ensure that your safe remains in optimal working condition. This section offers guidance on routine maintenance tips and troubleshooting common issues.

Routine Maintenance Tips

Maintaining your safe effectively involves a few key practices:

  1. Regular Cleaning:

    • Dust and clean the exterior and interior of the safe regularly.
    • Avoid using harsh chemicals; a damp cloth is often sufficient.

  2. Lubricate Moving Parts:

    • Lubricate hinges, locks, and bolts annually with a silicon-based lubricant to ensure smooth operation.
    • Avoid oil-based products as they can attract dust and dirt.

  3. Check Battery Life for Electronic Locks:

    • Replace batteries regularly, typically once a year, to avoid lockouts.
    • Use high-quality batteries for longer life and reliability.

  4. Inspect Lock and Bolt Operation:

    • Test the lock and bolts periodically to ensure they are functioning smoothly.
    • If you notice any resistance or irregularity, address it promptly.

  5. Monitor Humidity Inside the Safe:

    • Use a dehumidifier or silica gel packs to manage moisture levels, especially important for safes holding paper documents or metal items prone to rust.

  6. Safe Location:

    • Ensure that the safe remains in a stable, secure location.
    • Check for any signs of environmental damage or potential security risks in its immediate surroundings.

  7. Professional Servicing:

    • Have your safe professionally serviced every few years, especially if it's a high-security model or used frequently.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with regular maintenance, safes can experience issues. Here are some common problems and potential solutions:

  1. Difficulty Opening the Safe:

    • Check if the batteries need replacing (for electronic locks).
    • Ensure you're using the correct combination or key.
    • If resistance is felt, try gently moving the handle or dial back and forth to loosen.

  2. Electronic Lock Failure:

    • Replace the batteries with new, high-quality ones.
    • If the issue persists, contact the manufacturer or a professional locksmith.

  3. Key Won't Turn or Gets Stuck:

    • Lubricate the lock mechanism with a silicon-based lubricant.
    • Avoid forcing the key; this might indicate a need for lock repair or replacement.

  4. Humidity or Moisture Inside the Safe:

    • Increase the use of dehumidifying agents.
    • Check the safe's seal for any damage and repair if necessary.

  5. Rust or Corrosion:

    • Address any rust spots early to prevent spreading.
    • Ensure proper humidity control and avoid storing damp items in the safe.

  6. Mechanical Wear and Tear:

    • Have worn-out parts repaired or replaced by a professional.

Remember, while basic maintenance can be done independently, more complex issues, especially with high-security safes, should be addressed by professionals. Regular care and prompt attention to problems will keep your safe functioning effectively for years to come.


The journey through the world of safes, from their diverse types and locking mechanisms to specialized models and maintenance, brings us to a close with a glimpse into the future of safe technology and some final recommendations.

The Future of Safe Technology

The evolution of safe technology is a reflection of advancements in security, materials science, and digital innovation. Looking ahead, several trends are likely to shape the future of safes:

  1. Integration with Smart Home Systems:

    • Future safes are expected to integrate more seamlessly with smart home ecosystems, allowing for remote monitoring and control.

  2. Advanced Biometric Systems:

    • Enhanced biometric technologies, including facial recognition and vein pattern recognition, could provide even more personalized and secure access options.

  3. Improved Materials:

    • The development of stronger, lighter materials could lead to safes that are more secure and easier to install without compromising on protection.

  4. IoT Connectivity:

    • Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity might offer real-time alerts, health checks of the safe, and integration with home security systems.

  5. Environmentally Adaptive Features:

    • Safes that can adapt to environmental changes, like humidity and temperature, to better protect sensitive contents like electronics and documents.

  6. AI-Powered Security Analysis:

    • Artificial intelligence could be employed to analyze access patterns and predict security breaches, enhancing preventive measures.

Final Recommendations

When it comes to choosing and maintaining a safe, consider the following key points:

  1. Assess Your Needs:

    • Carefully evaluate what you need to protect and the risks you face to select a safe that meets your specific requirements.

  2. Invest in Quality:

    • Opt for a safe that balances cost with quality, security, and the features you need.

  3. Stay Informed:

    • Keep abreast of new technologies and advancements in safe design and security features.

  4. Regular Maintenance:

    • Commit to a regular maintenance schedule to ensure the longevity and reliability of your safe.

  5. Seek Professional Advice:

    • Consult with security professionals when choosing a high-security or specialized safe.

  6. Plan for the Future:

    • Consider future needs and the potential for upgrades when selecting a safe.

In closing, the world of safes is dynamic and ever-evolving, reflecting changing security needs and technological advancements. By staying informed and thoughtful in your selection and maintenance practices, you can ensure that your valuables are protected now and in the future.

INKAS® Safes Launches Innovative High-Security Vaults for Homeowners

INKAS® Safe Manufacturing is proud to announce the addition of an innovative home vault solution to its lineup of cutting-edge security products. This new product provides unmatched security for residential households across Canada. The INKAS® Safes Residential Vault Door System enables homeowners to quickly and easily transform their home’s cold room into a high-security vault, creating a powerful in-home safe room, protecting family members from harm as well as maintain bank-grade protection for irreplaceable valuables.

Margarita Simkin, CEO of INKAS® Safe Manufacturing, stated that “INKAS® Safes continuously strives to deliver the highest calibre of security solutions on the market. We're excited to expand our residential line of products to deliver a sophisticated system that unquestionably mitigates the ever-growing security concerns of households from coast to coast".

INKAS® Safes security experts are renowned for their meticulously engineered designs, industry-leading security features, and construction of custom high-security vaults for government organizations, financial institutions, and corporate enterprises. Bringing the same level of protection to the residential segment, INKAS® Safes vault doors enable homeowners to convert the typically rarely used space of a home’s cold room into a multi-purpose and high-security asset, able to be used as:

  • Hidden armory to prevent unauthorized firearm access
  • Saferoom for family members to barricade in during emergencies
  • Vault room for keeping valuables such as collectibles, expensive items and heirlooms safe

The high-security vault doors have been developed to fit directly into the frame of a typical cold room commonly found in Canadian basements. By utilizing the existing door opening which is enclosed by thick concrete walls on all sides, the vault door is tightly sealed, tamperproof and offers maximum security to the space.

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Key features of the INKAS® Safes Residential Vault Door System:

  • Ballistic steel layer within the door rated to withstand fire from hi-power rifles (CEN BR6 ballistic rating, 7.62 x 51mm ammunition)
  • INKAS® – engineered internal locking system enables homeowners to barricade themselves within the room in case of home intrusion, even if pin code is known
  • Child-proof internal locking mechanism with bypass
  • Manufactured to operate in both inswing and outswing directions, left or right-hand hinges
  • Discreetly delivered and brought into home in sections
  • Quick and simple 2-person installation, typically complete within 2 hours

The modular vault doors offer unmatched protection against brute-force entry attempts, sophisticated burglary tools, and the powerful force of hurricanes, earthquakes, explosions, or other natural disasters. They were designed to meet INKAS® Safes' strict quality standards. This product also incorporates INKAS® Safes proprietary security features, as well as UL-certified locking systems, power tool resistant composition, heavily secured machined hinges, and high-durability solid steel deadbolts. The INKAS® Safes Residential Vault Door System is now offered for discreet door-to-door delivery to homes across North America. Click here to visit the product page to find out more about the product or to contact a high-security vault specialist.

Should companies or builders be interested in information regarding the INKAS® Safes reseller program or wholesale pricing, please click here for more information or contact a vault specialist here.

Everything You Want to Know About a Safe Deposit Box

Safe Vs Deposit Box

Our customers often come to us with questions about safe deposit boxes. In this article, we will help you understand what exactly a safe deposit box is, how it works, and whether it’s the right choice for you.

So, when is it beneficial to use a safe deposit box, and when is a classic safe a better option? Let’s look at some facts to help you make that decision!

What is a Safe Deposit Box

A safe deposit box is a secure storage option offered by a bank. It is a small, heavy, metal box built into the vault walls and protected with multiple layers of 24 hour security.

As the customer, you rent the safe deposit box on an annual basis to store your jewelry, heirlooms, important documents, and other valuable items.

Access to the box depends on the help of a bank employee, as it requires 2 keys to open. Some of the more advanced ones also rely on biometric access, but generally it’s just 2 keys. You have one key, and the bank holds the other. When you want to access your box, you and the bank employee must simultaneously turn your keys in order to open the door.

Technological Innovations in Safe Deposit Boxes

Advancements Shaping the Future of Secure Storage

  1. Biometric Security: Modern safe deposit boxes increasingly incorporate fingerprint scans, facial recognition, or iris scans for enhanced security and personalized access.
  2. Digital Monitoring Systems: Integration of digital surveillance within the safe deposit box system allows for real-time monitoring and alerts for any unauthorized access attempts.
  3. Remote Access Control: Advanced systems enable users to control access remotely, including time-restricted access features.
  4. Smart Connectivity: Integration with smart home systems for status updates and security alerts directly to your smartphone.
  5. Climate Control Technologies: Some high-end safe deposit boxes now offer climate control features to protect sensitive items from environmental damage.

How Much Does a Safe Deposit Box Cost?

The price of using a safe deposit box varies by area and bank. They charge a yearly fee for it, but many banks offer rebates or discounts if you keep a minimum amount of money in your account or hold other assets at their location (an investment account, for example). Rates normally vary from $60-$150 per year.

3 Benefits of Using Safe Deposit Box

  • Safe deposit boxes are made with high quality steel and can withstand almost any potential damage, including water and fire. They are not completely tamper proof however, as some unfortunate bank robberies have proven.
  • Having your items stored in a location separate from your home can provide peace of mind if you live in an area that is known for burglaries, or if you have other personal reasons for not wanting valuable items kept in your home.
  • Safe deposit boxes are kept behind multiple layers of 24 hour security for better protection against break-ins. This can be very reassuring, especially if you don’t need to access your items often.

Are Your Valuables Insured Inside a Safe Deposit Box at the Bank?

Most of us are led to believe that a safe deposit box at a bank is the safest way to store valuables. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case.

There is no government issued insurance for the contents of a safe deposit box. Individual banks may offer protection or even insurance at an additional fee, but you may find that the assurances they give you in person are quite different from the safety measures they include for their own protection in the paperwork you sign to rent a box.

To ensure the contents of your safe deposit box are covered, you are best to purchase it through your homeowners or renters insurance.

Safe Deposit Box vs Conventional Home Safe (comparison)

We’ve discussed the benefits of safe deposit boxes in this article, but they are not always the best choice when it comes to keeping your valuables safe.

For as secure as the bank assures you the safe deposit box is, mistakes can be made. There have been quite a few instances where the bank themselves will mix up two boxes, giving the wrong one to a customer and as a result, having valuable items lost forever.

If the bank were to ever get robbed, the contents of your safe deposit box are at risk of going missing as well, and unless you purchased separate insurance, they will likely not be covered.

One more significant thing to note is that in recent years, the use of safe deposit boxes has been steadily declining. Some banks are even phasing out their use because they have sat empty for so long.

Why is this happening? There are a few reasons, but a big one is that the quality of home security options has gone up and has become more affordable.

When it comes to security, home safes can offer unprecedented protection against almost any attack. For example, our UL-TL30x6 High Security Safe features an

advanced composite wall structure, solid steel deadbolts, a bulletproof steel plate, and other innovative security features to keep your valuables safe. These, as well as its anchoring bolts, protect it from power tools, fire, or being carried off in a burglary.

The main reason our customers choose a home safe is that they are easily accessible while still offering high levels of security. This means that you can keep items such as passports, medical records, or insurance papers safe, and don’t have to go through the complicated process of accessing a safe deposit box when you need them.

Comparative Analysis: Safe Deposit Boxes vs. Home Safes

Deciding Between Safe Deposit Boxes and Home Safes: A Guide for Different Needs

  1. Security Level:
    • Safe Deposit Boxes: Typically offer higher security, being located in bank vaults with advanced surveillance and alarm systems.
    • Home Safes: Security level varies based on model and installation quality.
  2. Accessibility:
    • Safe Deposit Boxes: Access is limited to bank hours and requires travel to the bank.
    • Home Safes: Available 24/7 at your convenience.
  3. Size and Capacity:
    • Safe Deposit Boxes: Limited to the size offered by the bank.
    • Home Safes: Available in various sizes to accommodate different needs.
  4. Cost:
    • Safe Deposit Boxes: Recurring rental fees.
    • Home Safes: One-time purchase cost, potentially higher for advanced models.
  5. Protection from Natural Disasters:
    • Safe Deposit Boxes: Generally offer better protection against floods, fires, and other natural disasters.
    • Home Safes: Depend on the specific model's fire and water-resistant ratings.

Ideal Usage Scenarios

Scenario Safe Deposit Box Home Safe
Important documents
High-value items (jewelry, collectibles) Depending on security level
Frequently accessed items (passports, small valuables)
Large items or collections ✅ (if size permits)

So When Should I Use a Safe Deposit Box & When Classic Safe is Better?

Safe Deposit Box:

A safe deposit box may be a good option if you have valuable or sensitive items that you don’t need to access very often. If you decide to do this, we suggest not keeping the original or only copy of documents in the safe deposit box. It’s better to make a copy and keep the originals in a secure home safe. This way, the safe deposit box is used more as a backup and not the sole place of protection for your items.

Home Safe:

If you want to be able to access your valuables more frequently, or want to keep them close at hand in case of an emergency, a home safe is the better option. When you purchase your home safe from a reputable supplier like Inkas Safes, you can be assured that you are getting the highest level of security measures available.

Our top priority at Inkas Safes is keeping your valuables secure and protected. If you still have questions about which storage option is right for you, you are invited to ask them. Our safe experts will answer all of your questions and provide unbiased guidance so that you can make the decision that is best for your situation. They are available on the phone, by email or chat, contact us anytime!

How Local Pharmacies are Planning to Tackle the Newest Trend in Narcotic Related Thefts

Shattered glass and the whine of a basic security alarm going off in the distance has grown into a scene that pharmacists have become all too familiar with. Since the beginning of the pandemic, medical facilities along with neighborhood drugstores have seen an increase in forced-entry robberies targeting their valuable narcotic inventories housed in their safes.

Leaving their customers without the medications they depend on for everyday life.
Due to the rampant opioid crisis happening throughout the country, police from several regions have seen these types of direct and targeted attacks increase over the last few years.

With the Toronto police reporting that they have experienced a 106% increase in pharmacy robberies, while the York and Peel Regions have both seen an increase of over 300% in the same types of crimes since 2021.

A Solution with a Proven Track Record

Ontario’s College of Pharmacists recently adopted the motion to require all 4,700 of their community-based drugstores to implement time-delayed safes in their businesses. With the governing body citing, that this technology has been widely effective in reducing the rate of pharmaceutical robberies in the British Columbia and Alberta areas.

Saskatchewan’s regulatory body has also seen the positive outcome of implanting time-delayed safes and have now adopted a similar requirement to begin in November of 2023.

Finding the Right Medical Safe for Your Pharmacy

With this new regulation set to take full effect in the coming months, many pharmacists are looking for a high-security safe that will fit their business needs. Understanding the minimum features a medical safe should have can be a daunting task. Here are a few important features any pharmacy should consider for their new medical safe.

  • Increased Shelving Options: Unlike other commercial safes found in jewelry stores or your local businesses, a pharmacy safe houses items that can be deemed as controlled substances. Having a narcotic-focused safe in your pharmacy or medical facility can aid in the organization of these controlled medications through the increased number of shelves present. Thus, allowing for a reduction in service time for customers and inventory counts.
  • Locking System: Even with the new required security feature of time-delayed opening, not every lock system is created equal. Look for a lock that is constructed by industry-trusted manufacturers such as Sargent and Greenleaf (S & G) and La Gard Locks, who are known for their high-quality materials. This ensures that the electronic time-delayed lock installed on your new pharmacy safe can withstand burglar attacks for any extended period.

An Industry Leader in Safe Manufacturing

Renowned for our rigorous testing standards for our UL TL-certified safes, INKAS® continues to be trusted by law enforcement agencies, branded retailers, medical facilities, and other commercial venues across Canada and the United States to secure their most valuable and controlled items. An INKAS® Safe provides unmatched protection against theft, fire, and flooding, allowing for comprehensive safety of the contents. At INKAS®, we can manufacture a pharmaceutical safe to meet the needs of any medical office, laboratory, pharmacy, or retail drugstore needs. With an inventory comprised of high-quality materials and innovative technologies, we are confidently equipped with the necessary components to meet the requirements set by the Ontario College of Pharmacists for all narcotic and controlled substance safes.

Explore the revolutionizing security features of an INKAS® Medical Safe for all your pharmaceutical needs here.

INKAS® Safes Announces Streamlined West Coast Distribution

INKAS Safes Calgary

INKAS® Safe Manufacturing is proud to announce its expansion to the West Coast. This is an important milestone for the leading Canadian manufacturer, whose innovative security solutions have made it one of North America's most dependable names in high-security safes and vaults.

Margarita Simkin, CEO of INKAS® Safe Manufacturing, said, "Expanding our operations in Western Canada is a tremendous accomplishment for the INKAS® Safes team, elevating the firm to new heights." The opening of our Calgary branch gives us the ability to better fulfil our steadily increasing demand and optimise the distribution of our state-of-the-art safes.

The demand for INKAS® heavy-duty safes and vaults has significantly increased as a result of the current surge in interest from businesses and households who are looking for higher calibre security solutions

Margarita Simkin

In order to better optimise our logistics and point of sale on a national level, we are excited to expand our operations to Western Canada as we enjoy continued rapid growth.

Establishing a significant sales and distribution hub on the West Coast will not only help the business streamline the convoluted logistics of shipping large, heavy commercial safes and shorten delivery times, but it will also give local customers a much-needed point of contact. The new branch, which is strategically positioned in the heart of the West Coast region, will allow INKAS® Safes to shorten delivery times, streamline transportation routes, and offer in-person sales and servicing to its Western customers. To read the full press-release click here.

Heavy Safes: Why Weight Is Important For High Security

Heavy Safes

In recent years, people have been becoming increasingly concerned about their homes being broken into and their valuables being stolen, to the extent that the global safes and vaults market was valued at $5.82 billion in 2019, and is projected to reach $9.14 billion by 2027 – growing at a rate of 8.1% per year [source].

However, with so many different types of safes available on the market, it can be easy to get overwhelmed by all the different options. So, in this article we’ll help you better understand the role that the weight of a safe has in determining how secure it actually is when it comes to protecting your irreplaceable possessions, valuables, and documents.


Why Are Some Safes So Heavy?

First, let’s look at factors that play a part in how heavy a safe is, such as the composition, the steel wall thickness, the safe’s size, and its design.


The combination of the layers of metal and concrete that a safe is made of, plays one of the biggest roles in how heavy a safe is. For example, high-security safes use various different layers, which can include fire proof materials that help shield your valuables from heat and flames, and ballistic steel layers to protect against heavy-duty power tools, sophisticated explosives, and more. The use of multiple layers also requires burglars to have a variety of tools with them in order to break each of the different layers, making it more inconvenient and requiring a longer amount of time to open the safe. The specific layers and materials used vary from company to company, but will ultimately determine the weight of your safe. However, the heavier the safe is, the greater the protection it provides for your most valuable items.

Steel Wall Thickness

The factor that indicates how thick the steel walls are, is called its gauge. The lower the gauge number, the thicker the steel, and the higher the gauge number, the thinner the steel. While this may sound counterintuitive, simply remember that a safe with a lower gauge number means more security for you, because it's going to be thicker and less prone to damage. For the highest security, you should generally choose a safe with thick steel walls between 12- and 6-gauges. This translates to a thickness of 2.057 mm (0.081") for a 12-gauge wall, and 4.166 mm (0.164") for a 6-gauge wall.

Size Of Safe

Typically speaking, if you buy a large safe, it is going to be heavy. And the bigger the safe is, the heavier it is going to be. A good general rule of thumb when deciding what size of safe you should buy, is to buy a safe that has more space than what you need at the moment. This is because chances are, during your lifetime you'll have more things that you want to store in it – whether it's valuables, priceless possessions, or important documents.

Design Features

Depending on the manufacturer, safes have various different built-in security features, which not only add to the safe's weight but also make it more secure. This is typically a bonus, because added security features not only create better protection, but they also add more weight onto the safe to safeguard your items from theft. In high-security safes, these design features can include heavy materials such as cement, reinforced steel, heavy-duty locking mechanisms, and more – all of which add to the weight and security level.

The Benefits Of Heavy Weight Safes

The first and most obvious argument in favor of heavy safes is that, even if a burglar breaks into your house, they’re not capable of simply picking up the safe and leaving with it – which makes your valuables, important documents, or firearms far less prone to theft.

A high-security safe’s weight comes primarily from its thick steel walls and composite structure – which not only add significant weight, but the multi-layered walls provide significant protection. So, if someone ever breaks into your house or office and tries to cut through the safe, they'll have a very hard time doing that without power tools and equipment – which make a lot of noise and are bound to alarm someone. Additionally, heavier safes generally offer a higher level of protection against heat and fire damage than lighter ones, as well.

While heavy safes are more secure since they are less likely to be stolen, cut through, or be destroyed by fire, there are, however, many other factors that can affect how secure a safe is. These include the security features, type of the lock, certification level, as well as the quality of the manufacturer’s workmanship. Doing your research and making a purchase from a reputable seller is always advised when buying safes. Nobody wants to find themselves with a safe that isn't working properly when it matters most.

How Much Does A “Good” Heavy Safe Weigh

Firstly, a “good” safe is defined as a safe that will withstand its indicated level of security and protection, when it matters most. These types of safes typically range from 100 lbs (45 kg) to 240 lbs (110 kg), with the average being around 185 lbs (85 kg). Any safe that weighs less than that is considered a “safe box”, rather than a proper safe intended to protect valuables. These are the ones that you'll normally find in a big box store, intended for low security needs in homes and offices, and typically only weigh between 15 lbs (7 kg) and 45 lbs (20 kg). These safes don't offer much protection at all, and can easily be picked up and carried away. You can use them if you're not really putting anything valuable in them, or if you're just hiding stuff in a secure place.

Good safes that are designed to be placed in a home or office to offer high security, can weigh up to 600 lbs (280kgs). So, if you need to store valuable assets such as irreplaceable jewelry, important documents, or luxury goods, then it is highly recommended that you consider a safe in this weight range to properly secure your assets. These heavy weight safes offer the highest level of protection against burglary, and are typically strong enough to survive walls collapsing on them in the event of a fire.

Commercial safes are a whole different thing. Their weight can range from 770 lbs (350 kgs), to whatever the buyer needs for maximum protection. While these safes offer a far higher security level than the typical homeowner or business needs, there are businesses such as diamond stores, financial institutions, and other high-value industries and collectors that require this extreme level of protection.

As a general rule, you should keep in mind that a good home or office safe, should be too heavy for one person to carry it alone. A good minimum weight for a secure safe should be no less than 150 lbs (70 kg). Regardless of the weight of safe you choose, it is always recommended to bolt it down, as we’ll discuss below.

Why Should You Bolt Down Your Safe – If It's Heavy?

Many people think that it's unnecessary to bolt down a heavy safe, but that's not the case. Bolting down your safe provides you with even more security, since it's impossible for someone to move it without the use of specialized equipment. And because of this, you are more likely to qualify for lower insurance premiums and higher coverage of the valuables locked away in a fully secured, certified safe.

If you're not sure where the best location is to place your safe, how to properly bolt down a safe, or you're concerned about damaging your property, a high-security safe manufacturer such as INKAS® Safes can refer you to reputable local contractors all across North America that will be happy to help you with that.

Choosing A Heavy Safe That’s Right For You

There are many factors that make heavy weight safes far more secure than those found in big box stores – such as significantly better protection against burglary, fires, and even natural disasters. But how do you choose a safe that fits your security requirements? How thick should your safe’s walls actually be? What composite layers should it have? What size safe do you need? What security features should you look for?

That all depends largely on the importance and value of the possessions you want to store inside the safe, how much space you have available, and where you want to place your safe within the building. However, it is always recommended to buy a heavier safe, because of the high level of security it provides.

If you're considering buying a safe, it's best to consult a safes expert that can provide you with the options that meet your specific security needs and budget.

What is the Best Residential Safe for You?

The average homeowner has several items that should be stored in a protected location. But your typical bedroom dresser or kitchen drawer, while convenient, leave your valuables exposed. Utilizing a residential safe in your home can create a secure location to protect against burglary, fire, flooding, and other unexpected events.

An in-home safe is an ideal location to house your personal documents, jewelry, passports, cash, and firearms. But before purchasing a safe to be placed in your home, you should understand the many options available and what constitutes a quality safe.

Key Features Your Next Residential Safe Should Have

Once you begin your search for a new safe, you will come across products with enticing price tags. But most of those safes are crafted with poor-quality materials and lack industry certifications, resulting in a safe that is easily breakable and anything but a secure location.

So check these first: any quality safe will come with a UL (Underwriters Laboratories) certification for at least the locking mechanism. Also ensure that any safe you are planning to buy has a burglary rating and fire rating. Many cheap alternatives will not have these ratings due to the extensive testing a safe must undergo to receive them.

Finally, any residential safe worthy of consideration should come with a warranty. Purchasing a safe is an investment in the security of your items. With a warranty provided with your safe, you can rest assured that your items can remain protected if an unforeseeable event occurs.

Types of Residential Safes

Now that you know what to look for in a quality safe, the next step in buying one is determining which type of safe best meets your needs. With safes configured in multiple sizes and security features, residential safes can be broken down into 5 categories:

  • Burglary Safe: is a safe that is designed to be able to withstand constant pressure and attacks from standard burglar tools. These safes come with a TL (tool rating) score, which indicates how long the safe can defend against hand tools, power tools, cutting torches, explosions, and other typical burglar methods. These safes can come in various sizes, ideal for housing cash, personal documents, or other high-value items.

  • Fire Safe: while any quality safe will have a fire rating, choose a safe to defend against the damage of fires with a resistance level of at least 1-2 hours. These safes will have a rating of at least a UL-TL of 15 or more, ensuring your items will be protected.

  • Security Safe: this category of safes provides the highest protection against burglar attempts, fire, and other circumstances. These safes are created with a composite material along with a thicker door and wall, providing the highest level of UL ratings a safe can obtain.

  • Jewelry Safe: ideal for securing heirloom jewelry, designer jewelry, family gold, and silver pieces. Due to the inclusion of internal trays and shelves, your jewelry can be stored safely while maximizing the space in your safe.

  • Gun Safe: designed to provide storage solutions for firearms, ammunition, and accompanying accessories. A quality gun safe will be able to defend against entry attempts while providing fire protection. Low-quality gun safes may have a fire rating but, due to poor construction, will not be able to withstand impact forces or prying attempts. 

Smart Integration in Residential Safes

Embracing Technology for Enhanced Security

  1. Remote Access and Control:

    • Safes equipped with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, allowing for remote locking and unlocking.
    • Ability to monitor access logs via smartphone apps.

  2. Real-time Alerts and Notifications:

    • Immediate alerts for unauthorized access attempts or tampering.
    • Notifications for environmental changes inside the safe (humidity, temperature).

  3. Integration with Home Automation Systems:

    • Compatibility with smart home platforms for centralized control.
    • Voice control capabilities through devices like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant.

  4. Backup and Recovery Features:

    • Digital backup for combinations or key codes.
    • Remote troubleshooting and technical support.

Impact of Home Insurance Policies on Safe Selection

Understanding the Financial Benefits of Owning a Safe

  1. Reduced Premiums:

    • Many insurance companies offer reduced premiums for homes with certified safes.
    • The level of discount can vary based on the safe's specifications and security rating.

  2. Increased Coverage Limits:

    • Safes can lead to higher coverage limits for valuables stored within.
    • Specific conditions or safe types might be required for this benefit.

  3. Documentation Requirements:

    • Keep records of the safe purchase and its specifications for insurance purposes.
    • Periodic appraisals of stored valuables may be required.


A well-designed residential safe offers security that a traditional filing cabinet, drawer, or cheap safebox lacks during unforeseen disasters.  Choosing a home safe that is UL-certified ensures the safe is constructed with quality material to protect against burglary, flooding, and fires. Whether you choose a burglary, fire, security, jewelry, or gun safe to have in your home, UL-certified INKAS® Safes provides premium security with its line of products.

Get in touch with one of our dedicated team members to find the perfect safe to fit your needs and protect your valuables today.

What Is the Difference Between a Medicine and Narcotic Safe?

Whether its medicines being used to treat disease, or narcotics used as pain killers; storing controlled substances safely at a medical facility requires proper safekeeping protocols. It is incumbent for medical business owners to ensure that medicines and narcotics inventories with a higher value be stored away properly in a safe or vault. Narcotics have a higher illicit value for the most part than most medicines do, so they require higher security measures for storage. Federal regulations in Canada pertaining to the laws that require the proper storage of controlled substances are listed on the government’s website, and can be found here.

In Canada the Controlled Drug and Substances Act (CDSA) defines the minimum-security levels required to secure controlled substances and drugs containing cannabis.

As a medical business owner, a few things are to be considered first before selecting the corresponding medicine vault. At a federal level, the main determining factors are region and inventory value. Laboratories typically have a smaller and less expensive inventory values than medical business owners do.

At a federal level in Canada, the first determining factor to owning a medicine vault is region. Region I includes the four major cities of Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Edmonton, plus any location within a 100-kilometre radius. Region I is required to inflict the strictest security levels in order to withhold controlled substances in a vault, since those metropoles are subject to more illicit activity such as burglary and pilferage. Hamilton, Kitchener and Victoria are all in Region I as well, as they fall within 100km of the metropoles.

Region II includes Halifax, Quebec City, Ottawa-Gatineau, London, Winnipeg, Calgary and Windsor, plus any location within a 50 kilometres radius. Region III is anywhere else in Canada that does not fall within Regions I and II.

The next determinant to the security levels required for a medical vault as dictated by the CDSA factors the total value of the medicine and narcotic and drugs containing cannabis inventory lot. The narcotics and medicines are ranked and organized by their illicit value. The vault security levels are contingent on the inventory value, but Toronto medical business owners need a higher security level vault, then say a vault with the same value of licensed holdings in London.

The security levels of the safes are determined by the materials they are made out of. Safes with the highest levels of security require the most durable materials that are seemingly impenetrable. Acceptable materials that the safe can be built out of is listed too.

The United States Drug Enforcement Administration has similar practices intact. The DEA infringes security levels that become more stringent as the inventory values increase – again, ensuring that the larger cities and regions exercise the highest levels of vault security for the storage of controlled substances. The Code of Federal Regulations has a full list of specifications and requirements that are mandated for guarding medicines and narcotics in vaults. Some of the implications state the safe must be built after 1971, and have a lock and alarm system employed, and be higher than 8 feet tall.

It is highly advisable to always be sure that you are in compliance with the federal, provincial/territorial/ and municipal requirements. Enlist a licensed field professional to verify all security codes for medical vaults are up to par.

INKAS® Safes is a proud proprietor in safe vaults and a leader in servicing the medical industry. As a direct manufacturer, INKAS® Safes can customize the medical safe to fit any particular office, laboratory or retail need. Our INKAS® Safes concierge directs and assists you in the selection of the best medicine vault for your medical facility. The design team will consult with you in the production of your safe vault. INKAS® Safes boasts craftsmanship that is equipped only with the toughest quality of materials, and leads with innovative technologies to produce the finest medical safes in the Western Hemisphere.

The Ultimate Guide for Buying a Gun Safe

open safe with guns

open guns safe

Owning a gun means that you should store it with the utmost attention. Storing weapons properly offers a wide range of benefits, one of them being peace of mind for the owner. Having your firearm protected at all times will prevent theft and unauthorized use. In addition, it will also avoid damage to the costly equipment.

Keeping weapons secure is the responsibility of every gun owner. You have probably heard about security-related weapon accidents, which could have been prevented with proper cautionary measures. These aspects highlight the importance of having a gun safe. This particular type of safe is designed to keep your weapon safe and secure, therefore preventing theft and misuse.

Though, choosing the right safe might be a huge hassle. In this post, we share the most important aspects of selecting the right gun safe. Once you go through our complete guide, you will make the right choice.

Importance of having a top-quality safe

Gun owners shouldn't rely on cheap safes just for the sake of having a safe. An unfortunate event in 2010 raised the question about gun safe security. The tragedy happened when a toddler died of gun wounds after reaching his father's gun safe.

The investigation revealed a severe flaw in the safe's design, resulting in a fatality. The lock didn't work correctly if it was lightly turned to the right. Later, the investigators identified this flaw in other cheap models.

How to choose the right safe for your needs? In addition, we explain the things you need to know.

Gun Safe Types

There are many different safes on the market. Choosing the right one depends on how many weapons you have, their type, and whether you want to store other valuables.

Handgun Safe

This safe features a compact design, perfect for storing a handgun. The design resembles a briefcase, making this safe an excellent choice for those seeking a portable solution. Larger versions of the handgun safe contain a few compartments for storing multiple guns.

Car Gun Safe

The concept is similar to the handgun safe we already explained. However, the car safe is usually designed for a single gun. This compact safe will keep your gun safe while on the go.

Long-gun Safe

For shotguns and rifles, opt for a special long-gun safe. The particular design is taller than a regular gun safe and can store more than one weapon, depending on the size.

Multi-use Gun Safes

You don't have to buy separate safes to protect weapons and valuable keepsakes. The multi-use safes come with different compartments to keep everything safe and secure.

  • INKAS Safes produces long gun safes, hand gun (small residential) safes & multi-use gun safes


Picking a safe type is a pretty straightforward process since you are guided by the number and type of weapons you own. However, gun safes have various sophisticated features for maximum security and convenience. Since these characteristics can be somehow confusing, we have them explained to you.

Lock Type

When it comes to choosing a lock, there are two options available. Each of them comes with pros and cons, so it is up to you to choose the right fit for your needs.

Dial Lock (group 2 or group 2L mechanical lock)

A dial lock safe can be opened only if you enter the code through the externally accessed dial. Also referred to as a combination lock, it is sturdy and cost-effective.

Dial lock pros

  • Durability
  • No maintenance required
  • Cheaper than an electronic lock

Dial lock cons

  • Takes longer to open
  • Doesn't lock automatically upon closing the safe

Electronic Lock

An electronic lock relies on sophisticated technology to open the safe. While simpler versions have dials, sophisticated safes can be opened using a biometric system. This system requires a fingerprint, facial recognition, eye retina, ear shape, or other biometrics to open the safe.

  •  Note that there are not many UL certified biometric lock today, and these could increase safe cost

Electronic lock prosgun safe black

  • Fast and easy access to your weapons
  • Automatically locks upon closing the door
  • Lock themselves for set time after a few false attempts, extra protection from burglary attacks

Electronic lock cons

  • Requires battery changing once in a few years
  • Electronic locks are in general provide higher security and cost a bit more, make your safe approximately 5 - 100 dollars more expensive

Steel Thickness

The construction is crafted from steel with varying thicknesses. The thickness is measured in gauges. The higher the gauge number, the thinner the steel. The thicker the steel, the more difficult it is to penetrate. Make sure to choose a smaller gauge, with the ideal between 12-gauge to 6-gauge.

A quality, strong safe uses composite structure – such as metal with special concrete, combinations of steel and ceramic or more than 2 materials (which won’t be disclosed by the manufacturer for security reason). Composite structure make robber’s job much harder – for example if they have penetrated the metal layer, they have to change tool to match cement or whatever is used in the next layer.

Fire Protection

Fires are a huge hazard because they can develop high temperatures which melt the metal. Fireproof safes come with additional layers which prevent heat from penetrating. Therefore, they will protect your weapon from scorching temperatures.


If you live in a high humidity area, the chances of rust forming on your gun are high. To prevent this, you will need dehumidifiers. The devices will absorb moisture and dry the air, leaving your weapons in pristine condition.

Water Protection

A water-resistant safe will keep your weapons dry in standing water. Every manufacturer will list specific details on their safe's water protection ability.


Human error is one of the factors for safe failure. We already explained that a dial lock doesn't secure automatically when you close it. To lock the safe, you need to spin the dial.

Another example of human error is failing to replace the batteries of an electronic lock. Also, keeping your code written down on a piece of paper near the safe is unsafe.

A faulty design can also question the effectiveness of a safe. Some locks are designed to keep the safe accessible for a few seconds after closing. Cheap electronic locks can fail at a certain point, leaving your weapons accessible. Therefore, shady brands and low prices don't guarantee safety.

How to Ensure the Maximum Effectiveness of Your Gun Safe?

Firstly, be responsible and follow the steps indicated in your safe's manual. Properly handling your safe will reduce the chances of human error and its impact on effectiveness. In addition, choosing a high-quality safe is crucial.

If you work with a limited budget for purchasing a safe, opt for dial locks. Avoid the cheap electronic locks which might not work correctly. Also, we would advise you to keep your safe hidden.

To further enhance safety, you should store the weapons unloaded. Also, make sure to keep the ammunition separately and locked.

Emerging Trends in Gun Safe Design and Technology

Staying Ahead with Modern Innovations

  1. Smart Safe Technology:
    • Integration of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth for remote monitoring and control.
    • Mobile app connectivity for alerts and access logs.
  2. Biometric Locks:
    • Advanced fingerprint scanners for quick, personalized access.
    • Increased reliability and reduced false rejection rates.
  3. Enhanced Material Technology:
    • Lighter, stronger materials for improved portability without compromising security.
    • Better fireproof and waterproof ratings.
  4. Modular Interior Designs:
    • Customizable interiors for flexible storage options.
    • Adaptable for different types of firearms and accessories.
  5. Sustainable Practices:
    • Eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes.

Gun Safe Placement and Installation Best Practices

Optimizing Safety and Accessibility

  1. Choose a Concealed Yet Accessible Location:
    • Avoid obvious spots like the master bedroom or garage.
    • Consider a location that's discreet but still easily accessible to you.
  2. Ensure a Solid Foundation:
    • Place the safe on a concrete slab for maximum security.
    • Avoid upper floors unless the structure can support the weight.
  3. Maintain Environmental Control:
    • Keep away from areas prone to dampness or extreme temperature changes.
    • Consider adding a dehumidifier inside the safe in humid regions.
  4. Anchor Your Safe:
    • Bolt down the safe to prevent it from being moved or tipped over.
    • Use appropriate anchoring hardware for the type of floor.
  5. Consult Professionals for Installation:
    • Consider professional installation services for optimal security.


Now, you are aware of most of the aspects to take in consideration before purchasing a safe. This investment is an intelligent decision to keep your beloved ones safe. In addition, it will preserve valuable weapons from damage or theft.

  • Before buying a safe, make sure to check it stands for US and Canada safety requirements and have the UL certification.
  • It is always good to buy a safe with extra “space to grow” – for example, when we talk about gun safes you might take in consideration getting more guns, larger firearm or just more expensive gun. Do not go on the smallest or cheapest option since for the upgrade you will need to re-order a new safe.

Investing in a high-quality safe should be a high priority. INKAS offers gun safes ranging from level 1 to level 4 safety. Our products come with a one-year full and lifetime fire and burglary warranty. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

What Is the Importance of a Safe?

“Safety” has been a buzzword over the last few months. Many people have thought about safety in a few different ways, such as safeguarding their health or even their company data while they’re working from home.

Fewer people have thought about the importance of a physical safe. Whether it’s in the home, your office, or somewhere else, a safe could be a smart investment.

What Does a Safe Do?

Most people are familiar with the idea of a safe, although they might associate it with hotel rooms or bank vaults. You may not have thought about it as an important investment for your home, your office, or any other location you frequent.

A safe is designed to protect your valuables. Many people will assume a safe will keep their valuables safe during a home invasion.

Safes can also protect your valuables during other events. If there’s a fire, for example, the right safe could prevent important documents from being destroyed. It can also offer protection from water damage during a flood.

Why Is a Safe Important?

Safes protect your valuables from theft, fire, water, and other damage. Some people may not realize the value of what they have on hand, such as documents. Some items you might want to keep in a safe at home include:

  • Jewellery
  • Financial documents, such as mortgage or loan agreements
  • Contracts
  • Stock certificates or other equities
  • Cash or cash equivalents
  • Identification, such as birth certificates

The list goes on. Most people have more items to store in a safe than they realize. At the office, a safe could protect:

  • Patents or other IP documents
  • Contracts
  • Legal documents, such as articles of incorporation
  • Cash, banking documents, and more

A safe might also be an excellent place to store ownership documents. If you have a yacht, for example, you might want to keep ownership papers or insurance documents on hand in a safe while you’re on board.

You may also want to use a safe to store items like hard drives, which can give you extra physical security for sensitive data.

Get the Peace of Mind You Deserve

Finally, a safe offers you peace of mind. When you have one, you know you can store your valuables, irreplaceable documents, and more in a secure place. With these items tucked safely away, you can focus on other important matters.

Ready to invest in a safe to protect your most valuable possessions? Get in touch with the expert team at INKAS® Safes. We have safes for every need, and we can help you choose the right one to give you the greatest peace of mind.

Top 10 Things You Must Know Before Buying a Safe

Buying a safe to store your valuables is a smart move. Of course, you’ll want to get the right safe. To do that, you’ll want to be sure to consider these top 10 factors.

1. What Is in the Safe?

What you plan to store will change which safe you need. The device you’d buy to store firearms isn’t the same one you’d buy to keep documents safe from fire or to store digital documents.

2. Types of Safes

There are a few different “types” of safe to consider. You’ll likely look at three major categories:

  • Wall safes
  • Floor safes
  • Weapons safes

Wall safes are usually the best bet for documents, but they’re less optimal for bulky items like hard drives or jewelry. A floor safe can support much more weight.

3. Size of Safe

Next, you’ll want to determine the size. If you’re storing a few paper documents, you may not need a very big safe. If you want to house a few antiques, hard drives, or other big items, then you’ll want more space.

4. What Kind of Protection Is Needed?

A fireproof safe may not protect against theft. It may not even protect hard drives or other digital devices from humidity and moisture, which could damage them.

Carefully consider the type of protection you need.

5. Think about Budget

If you don’t have a big budget, then you may want to consider a smaller safe or one with a lower rating.

It’s usually best to think about quality over price, since you’re hoping to protect your valuable items. Always look for ways to get the most value out of what you can spend.

6. Accreditation Considerations

Accreditation assures you that the safe meets certain standards. Whenever possible, invest in a safe that has accreditation.

7. Types of Lock

A traditional dial lock may be one option. A digital lock is often another. Digital locks allow faster access, but they take batteries.

8. Anchor Points

Most safe companies include anchor points on their safes, allowing you to bolt the safe down. That makes it more difficult to walk off with if an invader can’t break the lock.

9. Safe Construction

Consider the construction of the safe body and door. Higher steel gauges mean the metal is thinner, which could allow forced access. Concrete and cement offer more protection than gypsum board.

10. Safe Placement

Finally, give some thought to where you’ll place the safe. Will it be hidden, or will it be in plain sight?

Discover Your Options

If you’re thinking about all these factors, but you’re still not sure, it’s time to get in touch with the experts. The team at INKAS® Safes will help you discover the right safe for your needs.